Friday, 1 March 2019

First blog for 2019!

Getting to know you

Hello bloggers, I hope you had a wonderful holiday! This week we have been making a getting to know
you form. In the getting to know you form you have to add what you like, what you dislike , your
family background, what is important to your family, what you want people to know about
you, things you are good at and your friends. After you fill it in you can colour the boxes
in whatever colour you want. You also have to add your name, you can change the font as well.
You can add a picture of you in the middle. The whole senior school did this activity, it was compulsory to
finish it.
Here is my work.
Hope you learn a lot of facts about me!
If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section below.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ama, it's me Abigail. I really like how you talked about what it says in in the form.
    This reminds about the 'all about me' last year. Maybe you could put some of the words down cause it was a very long line. If you want to check out my blog, it is . Anyways, great job!


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